Sunday, August 18th, 2024. Selling hours are from noon to 4pm. Vendors will be allowed in to set up at 11:00, no sooner. No one is to enter the field or courtyard before 11:00. A bell will be rung at 10:00. Customers will be allowed to purchase at 12:00 and no sooner. A bell will be rung at 12:00.
Vendors will have access to washrooms through the top hall door that faces the courtyard. For vendors, the charge is $25/table or 5% of sales, whichever is greater. This year, to keep it simple, vendors just let us know if you are coming and, working on the Honour System, we’ll collect towards the end of the event, when sales are close to being finalized. There have been some issues previously regarding vendors not paying the 5% when they have made significant sales so do realize that this is a major fundraiser for the Merville Community Association and the venue is offering participants an excellent opportunity to make a substantial profit so please respect the payment format.
All vendors are welcome. The organizers will tell you where to set up when you arrive at the site. Vendors should have tents or appropriate coverings. Tents will be set up in the courtyard, around the buildings and in the front part of the field. Vehicles that are part of the setup must be parked parallel to the tents. If you do not need your vehicle, please move it to the far end of the field, or down Fenwick Road, to make way for paying customers. Vendors do not need to fill in an application form for the Garlic Fest but you should have a copy of your food safe certificate with you if needed. There are limited power outlets so, with the expected number of participants, don’t expect to be guaranteed a power connection.
Parking for customers will be in the hall entrance area and overflow in the field. Traffic will be One Way with the start at the north side of the site, on Fenwick Road, and the exit to the south through the gate and onto the highway.
Looking for helpers for signage, parking, keeping patrons moving and organizing vendors. We’ll get a refreshing drink and rotate through jobs if desired. This is a big fundraiser for the hall and it really supports the farmers of the area.
Please contact us by email if interested.
The Merville Community Association has been busy this past few years, in spite of the Covid conundrum. The hall floor has been resurfaced and is now an active pickleball court. There has been a new, upgraded septic system installed, The Community Garden is prolific and even supplies LUSH Valley with fresh produce. The Sunday Gumboot Market is thriving and growing, and the manse is being used as a Montesorie School and the church is now open for rentals. Still, there is more to be done.
Hope to see you at the hall for a stinkin’ good time!
FMI: [email protected] (Please do not telephone the organizers.)